Growth Interference Quartz is an amazing Quartz crystal, which has the appearance of being carved with a trim-saw. It is made up from Quartz crystals, which have shared their growing expanse with very thin flat Calcite crystals of the type named ‘paper spar’. The growth interference appears to have occurred during the end of the growth cycle of the long, thin, clear Quartz crystals. The Calcite crystals were sub-parallel during growth and developed at an angle to the lower prism faces of the Quartz crystal. The result is a series of slightly indented lines carving the prismatic faces. This configuration has been used to bring access to the astral, ethereal and higher planes, in order that you may remove barriers and understand the patience of stepwise progression. It can assist in proceeding through traumas and through changes with ease – promoting the understanding of the trauma and the bases for change. It further allows the knowledge that the end of each journey, each experience, and each incident is the beginning of a new delight. It has been used to align the physical body with the subtle bodies and to bring an electro-magnetic alignment to the energy fields of the body. It can also be used in the removal of energy blockages; when carried or worn upon the body, the chakras are aligned automatically and the Kundalini is activated. The energy of the Growth Interference Quartz Crystal has been applied to facilitate understanding of our emerging culture in order to reveal ones ultimate destiny. It brings information concerning your increasing vibratory rate with respect to spiritual evolution and demonstrates the method of giving energy to others while constantly allowing for the energy to be replenished by the energy of the Universe. The mineral truly facilitates your connection with the perception and understanding that we are beings of light, with access to a perpetual and continuous source of energy. This mineral also assists in the removal of doubts – your doubts are recognised and ejected through conscious understanding that you can accomplish anything if you truly have the desire to do so and if you remove self-limitations. This Growth Interference Quartz truly places you in the situation of being ‘completely in command’ of your life. The energy serves to bring you a universal protective force and acts to stimulate the knowledge of any impending danger. It has been used to remove physical blockages within the body, to promote the healing of cuts and abrasions, and to provide information concerning the most positive way for rejuvenation and recovery from any disorder. In addition the energies of Calcite are combined with Quartz to bring a powerful healing and progressing energy to your life. Although the Calcite does not normally remain with the crystal, the energy seems to be inculcated and remains to assist you in energy-work


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